Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Years Eve
I believe I will take a nice afternoon nap. Then perhaps I'll be rested enough to enjoy a late nite out. Barb & I will be at the Greenewell party at 12 Midnight to welcome 2009. That's not their real name, but when Bob Greene married Dian Newell, I saw no other choice but to call them the Greenewells. A little goofy, maybe, but they're okay with it. Hope you all are well and I'll talk to ya next year.
Monday, December 8, 2008
December 2008
The weather has been good. No snow yet, but cold enough for snow. It's been a great fall for disc golf, and I'm still playing plenty. Now that I'm 60, I can compete in tournaments in the class of senior grand master. That sounds mighty prestigious to me.
The economy is supposed to be in a recession, but Spokane Movers is still getting some work. Just not as much. Did I say please visit our web site? I tried to make that a link, but it didn't make. Hmmm
The economy is supposed to be in a recession, but Spokane Movers is still getting some work. Just not as much. Did I say please visit our web site? I tried to make that a link, but it didn't make. Hmmm
Monday, November 24, 2008
Barb and I will head over the Pend Oreille River and through the woods to Lana's house Thursday for Thanksgiving dinner with the Wendel side. Lana wants us to stay overnight, so that is the plan. I think the idea is to get more chatting and guitar/singing and vodka. Friday we head home and prepare for a trip to Ballard for Bruce and Carol's big whing-ding. See you Saturday!
Thanksgiving Week
It's Monday. I am approaching my 60th birthday. That seems significant. 60. Geeeez!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Going on 60
November is here and the U.S. has elected Barack Obama our new president.
I am hopeful he can lead America to a brighter future.
In the mean time I am finishing off the last days of my 50's.
That was fast.
Much has changed, but much is the same.
I'm still the President at Spokane Movers after an eight year term.
These days I work largely from home with immeasurable support from Barb.
Business is slow this year, so I've had plenty of time to play disc golf, and hang out with Ben and Bruce and friends.
Barb fell on the steps and broke a bone in her foot. She's been in a cast for the last 5 weeks, so I've been providing the support. She is mending well and anxious to get back to work and play.
I am hopeful he can lead America to a brighter future.
In the mean time I am finishing off the last days of my 50's.
That was fast.
Much has changed, but much is the same.
I'm still the President at Spokane Movers after an eight year term.
These days I work largely from home with immeasurable support from Barb.
Business is slow this year, so I've had plenty of time to play disc golf, and hang out with Ben and Bruce and friends.
Barb fell on the steps and broke a bone in her foot. She's been in a cast for the last 5 weeks, so I've been providing the support. She is mending well and anxious to get back to work and play.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Mid-September 2008
Hi Folks! I'm still here.
My blog has taken a back seat to everything else in life it seems.
All is well with me. The cucumbers and zucchinis are still producing like crazy, and we are now tired of eating them. We are giving away as many as people will accept. ( Lock your cars!)
I have had another Seattle visit recently. The weather in Seattle has been very nice this summer. Not rainy. Fun times filled with food, friends and plenty of Disc Golf.
Ben is a very accommodating host, and I feel welcome to sleep in his spare room.
Brother Bruce and son Ben share my enthusiasm for Disc Golf, so when they aren't working or sleeping or eating, we are out there with friends, having fun.
My blog has taken a back seat to everything else in life it seems.
All is well with me. The cucumbers and zucchinis are still producing like crazy, and we are now tired of eating them. We are giving away as many as people will accept. ( Lock your cars!)
I have had another Seattle visit recently. The weather in Seattle has been very nice this summer. Not rainy. Fun times filled with food, friends and plenty of Disc Golf.
Ben is a very accommodating host, and I feel welcome to sleep in his spare room.
Brother Bruce and son Ben share my enthusiasm for Disc Golf, so when they aren't working or sleeping or eating, we are out there with friends, having fun.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
This place is like a park!
Yesterday while we were gone to Wilbur, Ronnie came a mowed and trimmed the yard.
Lincoln County Revisited
Saturday Barb accompanied me to the annual Wild Goose Bill Days in Wilbur, and this year there was a focus on Govan. I was invited to participate in two ways: On the Govan Railway float, I road along throwing candy to the children along Wilbur's Main Street, and singing along with Charlie several old railroad songs. After lunch with Barb Goodlake McRea and family, we were off to the museum for the matinee, "It Happened One Day at School" produced, directed and starring Jo Robertson as a Govan School, where I would be playing the part of a student at Govan School along with Denny Stone, Ves Sitton, Greg Sassman, Don Bodeau, Daryll Bahr. What a bunch of ham! The day was a total success. There is extensive Govan history on display at the Wilbur Museum!
Friday evening we went to a luau at the home of some friends and it was good. Homemade mai tai, home brew, alot of guests who are involved with the local chapter of Society for Creative Anachronism. These people make a great mix for a party. We came home pretty early, but I'm sure these youngsters partied on through the night. Thank you Regina & Mike
Thursday, June 5, 2008
A day without a blog is like a day without a frog.
But only for purposes of poetic convenience.
Why is there a 't' in horizontal? I mean it's about the horizon, right? (not the 'horizont'). I've wondered that for a long time. Today I'm wondering why is there an 'n' in messenger? It's a message, not a messange.
Life's persistent questions keep me guessing.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Long Time

People are telling me I should post another entry on my blog. I have been slacking for some time now. All is well. Barb and I have been planting flowers herbs and veggies. I want to freeze some things for winter use this year. Groceries are expensive! The lilacs are just opening. I'll go get a picture for you. There. That's me. Today. Every year the smell of blooming lilacs brings back childhood memories of Govan where lilacs lined the yard. So aromarecollective. Call me syllaballistic if you must....
Saturday, April 26, 2008
My, but time flies by when we are busy! I have had another trip since my last post. I drove a load to Salem OR, and then took a train to Seattle where I spent more time with Ben and Bruce playing some disc golf and joining great people for great food. Our new friend Lulit from Etheopia served us a wonderful dinner of traditional Etheopian fair which we ate with our fingers as is the tradition. The coffee was roasted right there on the spot in Lulit's kitchen in a pan on the stove (a first for me). Ben has a new neighbor upstairs: his cousin, Michael Cahn. Very nice to get more aquainted with Michael. The two cousins have a veiw to die for looking at the Seattle skyline from their perch on Queen Anne hill.
Yesterday, Ben departed for the vacation trip of his life. His trip will include China, Thailand and Japan. He is expected back early in June.
Yesterday, Ben departed for the vacation trip of his life. His trip will include China, Thailand and Japan. He is expected back early in June.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Downey Woodpecker
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Auntie Esther
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Hey, let's COOL the globe. Google "turned out the lights" today, (used a background of black, not their usual white). They are drawing attention to an effort to get us to reduce our electrical consumption. So everybody turn out your lights for an hour, and bingo. Planet cools off! If it's that easy, I'm calling it 'climatnipulation!
Friday, March 21, 2008
First Day of Spring

The moon is full, the Friday is Good, and Old Man Winter is back to tease us all with a fresh white reminder of who's in charge.
My trip to Seattle was really fun with plenty of disc golf and family and friends and great food and drink and celebration of Saint Patrick's Day. And interstate 90 across the State of Washington is a beautiful trip.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Meadow Larks
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tariff 15-C
Today I am off to a workshop where I will learn about Washington's Utilities and Transportation Commission's new household goods movers' rules and new Tariff. Household goods movers like me must adhere to strict rules and the latest Tariff. Yes, the government is in the middle of the moving business and consumers pay dearly for their involvement. I'm going to the workshop though, because I want to know the stuff and also to bump elbows with a few "friends in the business".
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
I'm glad for our local animal protection service. They are a dedicated team of true animal advocates who keep our community clear of strays and manage the surplus animals with an aggressive adoption program. When we were ready to adopt kittens, Barb and I went to Spokanimal Care and picked out two healthy sibling kittens. They have been a source of great joy to us (and to each other) every day since then. Here, Smokey has found something moving inside the electric meter.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Another early to bed, early to rise. Up at 5am. Coffee, news, puzzles, blogs, daylight. It's almost 7. So quiet. Barb is still asleep. Happy has made her daily exodus from bedroom bed to dining room bed. She's had her morning stroll and a few barks at whatever. A light rain is falling on the old snow.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Planning another Seattle trip.
Not sure of the date yet, as I am hauling a few items to Bothel for a customer. I believe it will be the weekend preceding St. Patrick's Day. Looking forward to some family time and fun over there. Hoping for more disc golf with Bruce and Ben and...? It's never dull in Seattle. Always something!
Ben is planning his biggest trip abroad ever. He has plans to visit China, Thailand, and Japan this spring, and is saving in earnest.
We had a very nice visit from Mike Wiley and bride-to-be Maya Carman on Sunday and we all had dinner at Northern Quest Casino buffet. (My choice). They bought a fixer-upper house near Ferris High and will be working on that to sell for money to move to ...? Australia?
Here's Happy in her 'comfort' zone.
Ben is planning his biggest trip abroad ever. He has plans to visit China, Thailand, and Japan this spring, and is saving in earnest.
We had a very nice visit from Mike Wiley and bride-to-be Maya Carman on Sunday and we all had dinner at Northern Quest Casino buffet. (My choice). They bought a fixer-upper house near Ferris High and will be working on that to sell for money to move to ...? Australia?
Here's Happy in her 'comfort' zone.
Saturday, March 1, 2008

Do you Woot? Every morning, I check in with to be ammused or laugh hysterically, and maybe get an incredibly good deal on some worthless crap or really good stuff. Well, today's T-shirt was a cartoon of a baby plesiosaurus, (which I had to look up). The shirts are sold out, but I got me a new portmanteau! Nice one, Woot!
Swim Little Nessie!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Auntie Esther
Yesterday I made a visit to Auntie Esther over at Riverveiw. She's been sick, but is feeling better. She said Lana and Bridgett have been by "once or twice a week" to visit and play Skip-bo with her. She sure does appreciate the company.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Sundark Morning
Sundark. Sounds a bit foreboding. Don't worry. It's just Sunday before daylight. All is quiet but for my sipping. And all is dark except for a distinct glow east of here. No, it's not the sun. It's the aura of neighbor Linda Lael Miller, the romance novelist. I hope she is feeling better. She's been sick. Although I've never met her in person, I feel like I know Linda pretty well. The reason for this is that she shares her life in her blog. Since she moved from Arizona to the house at the end of our road and cleared some land to put some horses, and built a big barn, I have begun to notice her presence more. So I read her blog and it is so delightful I read all the archives too. Now all her horses cats and dogs have names and personalities. I have not read any of her novels yet, but Barb read two and she says they are good. Anyway, Linda, now that we know you so well, it would be nice to meet you sometime. Your blog reads so easily, you have made the concept of blogging more realistic to me. Thank you Linda for inspiring me to write a blog.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
My recent trip to Seattle was punctuated by disc golf at 3 different courses.
Ben and I took a tour of Seattle Solstice, an amazing granite cutting shop.
I had the pleasure of the company of brother Bruce, son Ben and an array of wonderful friends of Ben's.
I should have gotten pictures.
Ben and I took a tour of Seattle Solstice, an amazing granite cutting shop.
I had the pleasure of the company of brother Bruce, son Ben and an array of wonderful friends of Ben's.
I should have gotten pictures.
I spent an hour this morning catching you up on recent events. For the THIRD TIME the whole blog was lost before I pressed 'publish'. This happens when I try to give you a picture. GRRRR!
More later
More later
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
More Snow
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Blog, Blog, Blog
Blogs are web logs with most of the first syllable snipped off. Kinda like shrooms?
Monday, January 21, 2008
Dinner at Denny's

I didn't feel like cooking last night, but I did feel like getting out for a bit, so I took Barb out to the local Denny's. We sit at the bar when we go to Denny's and watch sports TV and people. Barb had a delicious coffee drink, and I had two beers. After the food was devoured, and we were waiting to pay, I was visited upon by one of my all-time favorite syllabeliminations: One of those burps that reminds you what you ate. A cucumburp. Enough on that.
Today is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Monday, and a holiday to remind us all of civil rights. I'm a big fan of civil rights, and I believe we still have a long way to go in that direction. Thank you for remembering.
Winter winds have been creating snow sculptures in the yard and closing highways on the Palouse. Today will be a snow blower day as the driveway has become partly blocked with drifted snow.
Today is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Monday, and a holiday to remind us all of civil rights. I'm a big fan of civil rights, and I believe we still have a long way to go in that direction. Thank you for remembering.
Winter winds have been creating snow sculptures in the yard and closing highways on the Palouse. Today will be a snow blower day as the driveway has become partly blocked with drifted snow.
The quail seem to appreciate the bird seed we've been tossing out in the snow covered driveway, and are sharing with some sparrows. The magpies seem to prefer cat food.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Ya gotta love this guy....
Friday, January 11, 2008
Yesterday we learned that our beloved brother-in-law Don Brodie, who married my sister Peggy a couple years ago, has come down with cancer of his pancreas, which we fear may take his wonderful life. Our prayers are for Don and Peggy to be comforted in this difficult time.
Barb and I went to (my cousin) Lana's last night for a little dinner party. Very nice.
The snow is melting like crazy. But they are predicting a cold snap. What a blessing to live in a warm house!
Barb and I went to (my cousin) Lana's last night for a little dinner party. Very nice.
The snow is melting like crazy. But they are predicting a cold snap. What a blessing to live in a warm house!
Sunday, January 6, 2008

Today started off early early. That's because I went to bed early last night and was fully rested by 4am. So coffee and Internet news, puzzles, videos and blogs accompanied my dawn. 2 inches of new snow has just arrived and the winter birds are here for their handout. Flickers are here, finishing the last of the mountain ash berries. The 100 or so quail are so full of feathers they're like small chickens. There are small, grey, black-hooded birds I'm guessing are juncos. And of course we always have magpies.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
January 2, 2008

My, this year is whizzing by.
Yesterday I played disc golf in the snow with about 9 others in a game of random doubles. Stayed dry and warm; had fun, got much needed exercise.
Feels like a Monday, but it's a Wednesday. The first business day of 2008.
Barb has gone to the office, and I am home with Happy and the kitties.
Yesterday I played disc golf in the snow with about 9 others in a game of random doubles. Stayed dry and warm; had fun, got much needed exercise.
Feels like a Monday, but it's a Wednesday. The first business day of 2008.
Barb has gone to the office, and I am home with Happy and the kitties.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Years Day 2008
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